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Creativity and innovation tools 

Creative ecosystem

A creative ecosystem is a system made up of communities of organisms (individuals and organizations) that inhabit, work, and interact in the fields of creating new ideas. The concept of ecosystem originally comes from scientific disciplines. When applied to the field of creativity, it allows us to think about it from a sociological perspective that aspires both to the analysis and understanding of multiple phenomena, and to the strengthening and sustainability of its processes.
For us in creating an innovative idea that meets each one of the requirements that are needed in the evidence, we need a good ecosystem of creativity. For this, the team must work and interact cooperatively.
Creative ecosystems can spontaneously form and grow slowly; be the result of organized institutional planning; or stand up as scenarios of resistance against the dominant forces of the system. Its agents base their practices on intellectual property, providing added values ​​such as innovation, knowledge and culture, which places them within the so-called creative economy.

Quintuple Helix Methodology

Participatory model of five areas to analyze and promote the promotion of sustainable development and the circular economy in society. The Quintuple Helix methodology has made representatives from the Political, Educational, Economic, Cultural and Environmental spheres exchange their knowledge and experiences.

Each technical partner of the Alliance leads one of the propellers, managing participants from different fields, to face the challenges and barriers for a sustainable construction sector and propose measures and solutions to promote sustainable development and a circular economy.

Scamper method

First, take an existing product or service. This could be one that you want to improve, one that you are currently struggling with, or one that you think could be a good starting point for future development.
Then ask questions about the product you identified, as many questions and answers as you can.

Finally, look at the answers you came up with. Do any stand out as a viable solution? Could you use any of them to create a new product or develop an existing one? If any of your ideas seem viable, you can explore them further.

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